Current New Year Resolution status - How things have been going and what I am working on this month.

Hey everyone, so February has just ended and I figured it would be a good time to check in with how I’m doing on my resolutions and what changes I am going to implement in March to help build better habits around achieving these goals.


First let's talk reading… Forty books is ambitious, and for a slower reader such as myself, it's very very ambitious. As of today I have finished four books, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig; In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson; The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben; and Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. I am nearly done with Genghis Kahn and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford and An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earthby Col. Chris Hadfield. I have a few hard copies waiting in reserve for when I finish those (very excited!). One of the big things I am going to work on this month is spending the last 30 minutes before bed reading rather than scrolling through Instagram or wasting my time with some game on my phone. Plenty of time for that stuff later, AND they do nothing to quiet the mind down before sleep. So doing this will hopefully help my sleep improve too.


On the writing front, I am working on it.. To be fair, I had planned to publish this one at the end of February as a recap, but I didn’t get it written in time so here we are… I’ll put up another post this month so I’ll have at least three, maybe even four posted in March (WOAH, BIG DAY!). My issue has always been having something that I feel is worthwhile saying a writing, but I’m trying to be better about having a pipeline of inspiration (such as Instagram posts or gathering questions from clients that come up frequently.. Or talking about my masters thesis defense, there enough there that I can write a lot about it, at the risk of putting my audience to sleep….) that I can riff on so, here's to that continuing. 


In terms of clients and financial responsibility, I am working on creating a pipeline for finding new clients, it's definitely not easy and, as someone who doesn’t market them self very well, I’m definitely not making it any easier. I am working on the marketing part, putting together some flyers or notices and making a point of visiting one or two new locations around the city to put them up and see what happens. I spoke with a couple who started their own family care practice and they reiterated to me that it's a grind starting your own business. But keep making yourself available and to get out of your comfort zone (for me that’s promoting myself) and things will start to move forward.


I hope to have some more exciting news and progress to report on the rowing front by the end of this month. Olympic trials are about six weeks away so currently trying to lock in a partner for the boat class I hope to compete in. Fingers crossed that goes smoothly!


Understanding this thing called HRV - Part 2


Understanding this thing called HRV - Part 1